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Wednesday, November 28, 2012



CHAPTER FIVE continued:

THIRD PART of Three Parts Series On…


   This week will end the three part series of… CONFIDENCE and POSTURE IN CHRIST.  However, as we travel through the Bible entering more of the women’s lives that God guided His authors to transcribe, articulating on their virtues and their shortcomings, we will be referring back to these three chapters often. This is why I wanted to bring these chapters into light here at the beginning.

Now let’s go into PART THREE


   What do we take everywhere we go? What do we take through every door we walk through and into every room we enter?? There are several different things we carry every step we take!  So, what are they??? What do we take everywhere we go? Hmmmm…

A CJisum… Everywhere you go you take everything you KNOW and BELIEVE ABOUT YOURSELF!! Everything that is in your head that supports your belief thoughts; and everything that is in your heart that you truly believe about yourself… goes through that door with you. All your beliefs, from head-to-heart, enters that room with you!

   WOW, did you read that correctly??? Let’s read it again and this time say “I”,  “MY” and “ME” instead of  the word ‘You’ and ‘Your’.

   Let’s look at the meaning of the word ‘belief’confidence, certainty, conviction, acceptance                                        
   The Point Is???  Everything you believe about yourself, from head-to-heart… your ‘inner-self-beliefs’ goes everywhere you go!! Now, that’s as simple as it gets! But, is it that simple?? 
   Now that we know that our strong and weak beliefs walk wherever we walk, what are we carrying around with us?
Using your “head (thinking) and heart (feeling)” as scenarios, displayed as pictures before you, exposing your ‘inner-self-beliefs’ what do you see?                                                                                              
   Here are some examples using the definitions of ‘belief’ stated above.         
Everything YOU…
§  think you have conviction (convinced) yourself that you are praiseworthy… or not praiseworthy
§  think people receive you with acceptance … or do not received you with acceptance

§  feel confident you can do … or cannot do
§  feel for certain that you are a beautiful person … or not so beautiful

   Let’s go one step further. Between our HEAD and HEART is what?  Our voice! When we believe our thoughts and we believe in how we feel, we then express it out through our mouths. Right? So right!!

   PARENTS Please Take Notice… When you voice your negative thoughts and feelings before your children, what are you saying to them? Your voice is saying that it’s OK for them to believe negative thoughts and feelings about themselves because they hear you doing it!!! You are teaching them that it’s OK to go through their life with the same kind of thoughts and beliefs as you may be thinking and feeling about yourself. SO, be extra careful what your voice says to them, because believe me, they listen, and they learn whether you think so or not! Turn your voice toward the positive side, speak of yourself as all positive and see what a difference it will make in their lives now and throughout their lifetime. Children impersonate what they see and hear, and they start it at a young age!

   Let’s talk a minute about our ‘Inner-Self’ and how we get in touch with it.
   Don’t worry; I’m not going ‘New Age’ on you by talking about being in touch with our ‘inner-self.’ Actually the Bible speaks of our inner-self throughout its pages. Consequently, I’m trying to help you see that what and how you see yourself is the same thing that projects to others, and if you live on the negative side of the street all the time you are not only putting yourself in danger but others as well. Reread the paragraph that was to the attention to the Parents.  It also applies to all that are within your acquaintance circle – family, friends, co-workers, etc. So therefore, why would most people see you any differently than how you see yourself?
   I like to call it… ISBC…Inner-Self-Belief-Catalog! Why? Because we seem to categorize all our beliefs into categories. When someone talks about…
§  Beauty… We believe either, “No, I’m not beautiful because…” or “Yes, I am beautiful because God made me beautiful!
§  Confidence... We believe either, “No, I’m not confident I can do that because…” or “Yes, I have the confidence I can do that because through God I can do anything!”

§  Acceptance... We believe either, “No, people don’t accept me because…” or “Yes, I do believe people accept me the way I am because God did not create ‘no junk’! If they don’t, then that’s a problem they deal with within themselves and with God, because God accepts me just the way He created me!”

§  The list could go on and on….

Seeking deep into your inner-self-belief-catalog (ISBC), what can you add to this list?  What do you see in your head-to-heart that you have always believed was the truth about you? List the positive and the negative side of the catalog.

   Ladies, everything within your ISBC, between your head-to-heart, goes through that door with you.  Have you ever really thought about that before??
   What you bring into a room (your ISBC) says a lot about you and what you think of yourself. How you present yourself, how you walk and carry yourself with your posture or how you intermingle with others in a room. What you are displaying before others should speak volumes about the person you truly are.
   Now, we can always put on a ‘show’ and pretend we are someone we really are not. We can also put on an arrogant persona that sooner or later will turn people away from us. We can even use distortion charm before others, but we fool no one!! In order to walk in the path of God’s Gracefulness, we must be true to ourselves and let true gracefulness shine before others.
   OK, I know, I just threw in another ‘phrase’… “God’s Gracefulness” and I will explain that phrase in just a moment, but first let’s look at a couple of verses in regards to putting on a false pretense before others…
·       Proverbs 31:30… ‘Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears (loves, respects, honors and worships) the Lord is to be praised.’
·      “For such people are not serving the Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naïve people.” Romans 16:18
   It also says in Proverbs 29:5 that when we put on pretense of an act we are spreading a net for our feet to tangle with! That’s a good Memory Statement to remember!
   I began modeling when I was a teenager, and did some professional modeling in my 30’s, and for a period of time I taught classes for young ladies to learn the art of modeling. Models are taught to walk the runway with a graceful stride that will bring attention from the audience up to the garment they are presenting. Hours and hours goes into practicing the runway walk; How to walk the graceful walk; how to step that your foot lands on the runway a certain way and always facing straightforward; how far of a distance between each stride there should be; how to bend your knees; how to turn, and how to stand, etc., etc.  But all of it is to bring attention to what you are presenting for the audience to gaze upon and purchase.
   Do you want to know the first thing that is emphasized over and over to a beginner want-a-be model? They learn quickly how to get over the fear of being in front of people or they don’t last in the business, but most of all… not only having the confidence is important but letting it show on the runway is the most important thing a model will learn.
   When we model ourselves after the image of God before others, we are modeling…
§  God’s Confidence
§  God’s Posture
§  His beauty
§  Belief of knowing WHO we have in our hearts
§  Something others desire within themselves
§  with God’s Gracefulness!
THE POINT IS???… Gracefulness is done through our character, our actions, how we talk before others, and how we carry ourselves with confidence of knowing we belong to the mightiest of all kings…King Jesus!!
   We no longer have to fear what others may say or think about us! We no longer have to walk in the shadows of others! We no longer have to hide behind our past failures! All who come before God and accepted Him as Lord and Savior in their hearts are then made a new creature through the blood that was shed on the cross for us!!
   Ladies, we are fashioned by the Master’s Hands, He made us beautiful, but our beauty within MUST shine through! Our beauty is rooted in our inner-self-beliefs! So, therefore, our beauty within must be modeled after God’s likeness!
   God tells us in His Word how He thinks of us as His beautiful creations, but until we take it to head and heart we will never walk the Confidence Walk or model to others the Posture in Christ! We will never walk with the true air of God’s Gracefulness until we believe the TRUTH!
READ: Romans 6:4 and 7:6 and give thought to how that translates in your thoughts.
   We can now hold our heads high, our hearts open, and let our voices ring out loudly with the announcement… “I am a SOMEBODY in CHRIST JESUS because I now have a new life!!  Jesus loves me!!! He tells me so in John 3:16!!!” Let’s get EXCITED LADIES!!!!
   T.D. Jakes says… “In order for people to treat you well, there must be something deep inside of you that sends out a signal saying, “I am somebody because God made me to be somebody. I may not be twenty-one and wear a size seven. I may be seventy-one and wear a size twenty-seven. But I am somebody!” When you send out a signal like that, other people will pick up on it.”
Let’s really get EXCITED NOW, LADIES!!!!
   Did you know that we allow or do not allow our ‘inner-self’ (what we believe about ourselves) to make us attractive or not so attractive?  By knowing and being in touch with our inner-self we can walk a different walk than before.
READ: 1 Peter 3:3-4…

Question 1. What is it saying about our ‘inner-self’?                               

Question 2. What is ‘unfading beauty’ referring to?
Be truthful with yourself, has the quality of your ‘inner-self’ been topping the scales with confidence or hitting rock bottom? Or do you float up and down between being high one day – low the next day? How attractive has that fashion been on you lately?
   No matter what the outward makeup of our bodies may look like, when we see ourselves as a beautiful creation of God’s amazing artwork, it causes people to sit up and pay attention, to ask with amazed curiosity when you walk into a room, “Who is she?
   They won’t be asking because your clothing is so stunning or the way you look in that outfit causes stares, or your haircut is cute, but because the spirit of who you believe you are, your inner strength is so magnetic. Projecting that kind of strength is not arrogance or pride; it’s the healthy self-image that comes from the power of God’s Spirit-Image, His likeness within you!!! It should make you feel like shouting… “I am beautiful because I am a masterpiece of the King of all kings!!!”
READ 1 Samuel 16:7… Where is the LORD looking??
   I have a friend who has an amazing Downs Syndrome daughter who is approaching her 20’s and she has always demanded attention when she enters a room. She walks in and immediately starts talking to people (even strangers) because she doesn’t know she’s different. From ‘day one’ her mother has told this incredible young lady that she is beautiful, and the girl will tell you to your face that she’s beautiful, and the beauty of it is, she believes it! She will even tell you that you’re pretty because she sees a world of beautiful people.
What if we had the strong belief that we are beautiful just the way we are like this precious and beautiful young lady sees herself? How different would we and the world be if we only saw through eyes that everyone’s body is beautiful just the way they are??  If she doesn’t see her imperfections, why should we see them in ourselves and others??
   Good question!!!  This young lady believes she’s perfect just the way she was created! How can we change the world of their beliefs that beauty is only on the outside?? Each one of us must begin with ourselves believing our beauty comes from within, and then the chain of change will begin and spread throughout the nation! How? You and I believe, and then those around us will believe and on it goes!!!
   Yes, there’s always room for improvement to our outward beauty, as in trimming up the overage of additional substance on most of our bodies that makes those confounded scales lie every time we step on them!! LOL!  And yes, I’m including myself!! There are things we may have to do to improve a health issue or to prevent one from getting worse. When it comes to our health, for most of us, there’s always room for improvement!
   But, Beautiful Ladies, sitting aside for the moment the overage of additional substance that some of us may or may not have, and health issues, God wants us to accept who He has made us to be! Whether we are short or tall, big bone or small bone frame, big nose or little nose, curly unmanageable hair or beautiful thick shiny hair, size 3 shoe size or size 12 (and no I’m not a size 12 nor am I a size 3! LOL)  Yes, God wants us to accept the person He created us to look like...the things we cannot change, but He also wants us to take care of what He given us (like ah, maybe trimming off some of that overage of additional substance). If He loves His creation, why can’t we??? 
   He also wants us to develop our inner-self into more of His likeness! That brings us to…
Galatians 2:6 says… “God does not judge by external appearance.”
   You may say, “But CJ, I don’t know how to be that person you and T.D. Jakes talks about. How can I feel like I AM A SOMEBODY? How can I have ‘THE CONFIDENCE WALK and POSTURE IN CHRIST’ you speak of? How can I have GOD’s GRACEFULNESS??”
   I would say to you… First of all, your self-image (how you see yourself), your ISBC, must be transformed into the image of God’s likeness, and then the rest will fall into place as you grow in His image.
   How can you be transformed into the image of God’s likeness, and grow? Look back at last week’s lesson where I talked about ATTAINED.’ What was the focus word? STAY!!!
   I’ll say it again; I strongly encourage you to…
·   Read God’s Word daily
·   Pray daily
·   Learn to give thanks in worshiping and praising Him
·   Ask for forgiveness of sins
·   Surround yourself with other believers
·   Search a Christian lady that is mature in her walk with Christ to mentor you
·   Attend church regularly so you can be feed God’s Word
·   Find a ladies Bible study group where you can learn more and also have that fellowship together with other Christian ladies, while you continue with this study! That’s a must!! LOL :~ ) 
   These are places you will be fed the positive food to grow in. These are the KEYS toward learning more about your inner-self-beliefs and more about your RELIANCE, which is our Heavenly Father. You may see that some of your cataloging may begin to change. You will see that the negative things you once thought about yourself are changing toward more positive. You will see and feel more like you are walking in the Confidence Walk and have the Posture in Christ because you now have God’s Gracefulness about you!

   Think of it this way… if someone desires to become a doctor or layer or an interior designer or a policeman, etc., what must they do in order to attain knowledge? Go to school! Get training and work hard toward their goal. It’s the same scenario… we must do the things that will take us toward our heart’s desire… growing deeper in our Christian walk!
   By knowing your RELIANCE well, then you will see how easy you will have the CONFIDENCE WALK and POSTURE IN CHRIST! Then is when you’ll begin to know and believe you are A SOMEBODY in CHRIST!!!
READ: Romans 12:2 and write out what that verse says to you about your inner-self.
   So, Ladies, when you walk into a room…MAKE HEADS TURN!! Let those around you see something in you that they want to embrace within themselves. Show them you have “The Confidence Walk and Posture In Christ!” Not only to see that you walk with confidence and posture, but that you have the insightful KEY to both because of your RELIANCE! 
   YES, your Confidence and Posture will be something they’ll want!! Because they see your God within you who gives you the healthy self-WORTH! They can see that you are beautifully made on the inside and a wonderfully blessed woman! Something God planned for us to believe and embrace all along, beginning when He created Ms Evie!!
READ: Ps 90:17… How do we have ‘the beauty of the Lord’ upon us??
   Ladies, BELIEVE THIS… A CJisum… A perfect God is certainly capable of using an imperfect person to perform His perfect will!!!
Ps 46:10… “Be still and know that I am God!”
The Message Is
·     This week I’m going to let you fill in the lines. Go back over the entire lesson and write what messages you received from it. Add as many as bullet points as you’d like.
Also, I’m going to let you write in what MEMORY STATEMENTS you would like to remember, making it in ‘first person’ to you.
  So, Ladies, go and turn some heads!! BUT, but then SHARE with others what you have inside you…SHARE with them how they can know they are A SOMEBODY. SHARE with them your RELIENCE…your God and Savior!
   I hope you have enjoyed and received something that will help you in your walk within these three parts on CONFIDENCE WALK and POSTURE IN CHRIST!
   My prayer for each of you is found in…Eph. 1:17-19 and 3:14-20. Please read these verses, for within the lines of these verses I pray you will discover something more about your inner-self and about the God you serve!
   Have an exciting week of walking in the CONFIDENCE and having the POSTURE in Christ for others to see what you have in your ISBC!! Walk so that others will want what you have, and then share with them what God has given you!!!
Next week’s title will be… “Two Trees Eden”
Walk the runway of life as a Model of God’s Gracefulness!
(Quotes by T.D. Jakes taken from his "Women Thou Are Loosed" Bible; Scripture verses are always taken from the KJV Bible unless otherwise stated) 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012




SECOND PART of Three Parts On…



I can’t believe it’s already been Six Weeks since I began sharing with you my journey on writing about these amazing Women of the Bible!   We’re still learning as we walk through Ms. Evie’s life, because she has soooo much to teach us, but time sure flies when you’re enjoying what God has called you to do…me writing and you following this Bible Study!!!!  And by the way, I want to thank you for following along with me on this blog and for the encouragement so many of you have given!!  Stay with us! God has soooo much more to show and teach us!!!
   Last week I talked about how I envisioned what Eve must have looked like as the ‘First Lady.’ I shared with you that I sincerely believe that Eve was a very beautiful woman. And adding to that… I also see Eve as a profoundly strong and vivacious Lady. She carried the best of three traits… beauty, strength and exuberance from the inside out. I cannot see her as a whiner or a lazy person – because she got things done!
   Eve was one who took on whatever was before her with robust courage. She must have been, because look at what all she was having to do alongside of Adam…learning to live, learning how to communicate with her husband, learning how to survive in general, and she was a helpmate in the Garden (Gen 2:15) – all this for the very first time in her life, without mentors. She walked in ‘confidence’ because she leaned on God for everything and she had the ‘posture’ of God as her strength.
   I know the Bible doesn’t allude to how or what Eve looked like or what her traits really were. The description of Eve I have put before you is totally my vision of all her attributes. But think about it, how and what else could she have been?? On one hand, she had too much to do, learn and oversee, so she had to be strong! And not taking away from the fact… she was crafted by the Master’s mighty hands, so therefore, she had to be beautiful!!
   Eve is one from whom we learn many lessons, as we’ll experience more in the weeks to come. But have you ever envisioned Eve as one who lacked in significance or wallowed in insecurities?  Which takes us to our next POINT...
   Over the past ten plus years that I’ve been in ladies ministry I hear Ladies time after time speak the same four waning emotions. (And I say ‘waning’ because in this case it means…by being in this belief it takes us to a point of declining in our self-worth as a Woman!)
   These emotions come from roots of some of the biggest battles ragging from within them, and they are…
  • “I’m not worth anything!”  I tell them… “We find our significance in our relationship with God, not in ourselves.” READ… James 4:10
  • “I’m a nobody!” I tell them… “You are adopted into God’s family.” READ… Ephesians 1:3-5
  • “No one believes in me. I don’t even believe in myself!”  I tell them… “In God’s presence is where we find our belief and total security.” READ… Psalm 16:11
  • “I have nothing to live for, because I’m not worthy of having anything more!”  I tell them… “Your God created you to have life. He gave His life so that you may have life. What more do you need? You have so much to live for, so… ‘Choose Life’!!!  READ… Deut. 30:19-20)
  • And then I also tell them… “God understands despair. David, in the Bible, was one who wrestled with insecurities more than anyone I know of, but he always found answers and peace in his heavenly God!” READ… Ps. 16:8; 18:28; 38:9; 43:5; 46:1; and also 2 Cor. 4:16
    What do you think God is hearing when we say and believe lies like…“I’m not worth anything!”  “I’m a nobody!”  “No one believes in me. I don’t even believe in myself!”  “I have nothing to live for, because I’m not worthy of having anything more!”                                                                  
QUESTION: When we believe and say statements like these, what are we saying to God?
   We are saying that what our heavenly Father created in our mother’s womb has no meaning to Him! Which is, Ladies… one of satan’s biggest LIES!!!  (I do not capitalize the word ‘satan’ because I do not wish to give the evil one any capital recognition! That’s just me.)
   So, why do so many of us travel down these ambiguous roads of life carrying small and large old baggage of wretchedness and disbelief that heads us in the wrong direction?  I’ll say it again…we buy into satan’s lies!!!  AND, for some of the Ladies I have taught or mentored… no one has never told them the truth!!! They have never heard they were beautiful; that they were created to be ‘A SOMEBODY’ in the eyes of God; and no one ever shared with them the love of their Creator. They had never heard the TRUTH!! That’s where I love to come into their lives, sharing with them the TRUTH!!!

   Believing in the verse found in James 4:10 will bring us off of those dark roads we allow ourselves to travel. It says… “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will life you up!”
   But how many of us keep going down the ‘WRONG WAY?”
   Believe me when I say, over the years I built most of those roads myself that led me the ‘WRONG WAY!!’ And to this day, satan still creeps up from time to time and tries to enter my thoughts to bring me back down into that bottomless pit neighborhood.
   Yes, I have paved many, many roads in my lifetime with gravel and tar from my disheartened life of feeling I wasn’t worth anything, I was a nobody, nothing to live for, I don’t believe in myself therefore no one else does, and I felt certain I wasn’t worthy of anything more than the neighborhood of bottomless pit I had allowed myself to slid off into!!     
   This is why it continues to breaks my heart to hear and see Ladies, God’s precious creations, take up residency on these roads paved with self-devastation!!!
   But the truth is… WE CHOOSE THE ROAD!!!
Yes, we choose the road!! Which ROAD have you chosen?? Do you wish to move from that street corner where the roads that cross are named ‘LIES’ and the other one labeled ‘SELF-DEVASTATION’?  Or have you chosen to move up into a better neighborhood and live on the corner of ‘LIFE TO IT’S FULLEST’ and ‘FULLFILMENT IS IN GOD’?
   God always allow us to make our choices! He will not force us to choose which road we take. We must decide.
   Paul says in Philippians 3:12-16…  “Not that I have obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do know: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. All of us who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. Only let us live up to what we have already attained.”
   Ladies, on our own we couldn’t possibly know which right roads we are supposed to turn down. This is when we totally rely on God’s guidance. but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me  Another words… for which Christ Jesus took hold of me, He already knows what plans He has for you. (Prov. 19:21 & Jer. 29:11)
OK, Ladies, if God already knows everything He has mapped out for us since before we were born, why can’t we trust and rely on Him to show us all the right turns? Why?? Sure would save us a lot of pain, aggravation and all the other emotions that fall into that exasperating boiling pot! Wouldn’t it??
   When we do turn to God, trust Him, and rely on Him, He will make our path bright with light.   “… God will make clear to you.” When there is ‘light’ on an otherwise dark path, all on that path will be made clear!
“Only let us live up to what we have already attained.” Verse 16
 attained’ meaning… got, gotten, reached, obtained, gained
Ladies, how do we attain???
Very short and simple…
  • STAY in God’s Word!
  • STAY on our knees!
  • STAY with the ‘right people’ surrounding you!
  • STAY in church so that you can hear God’s Word brought before you!
What is the ‘focus word’ here?
   In Hebrew ‘stay’ is the root of…to lean upon or take hold of (5564)  OMGoodness, is that what we have just been discussing??  To trust and rely upon God!  
   Eve had to lean upon God. She had to take hold of His guidance. Because why? There was no one else - because Adam was doing the same thing!  She had to attain knowledge…she had to take hold of what she was learning. It was when she strayed off and onto the wrong path is when she no longer ‘leaned upon God’, this is when things changed in her life!!! We will see this in the weeks to come!
   How is it with us? Do we lean upon the Lord only when we’re going through “stuff”? Or do we wake each and every morning and first thing ask God to walk beside us and guide our steps, our thoughts and our actions. Do we even ask Him to shine the ‘light’ on each path that He has planned for us that day? Ladies, we must take hold of God and live our lives through Him and His Word.  
Upon finishing this reading, stop before you close out this blog, and go to the Lord in prayer. Ask God to mold a shield around you, that when negative words and thoughts begin to haunt you and you see yourself sliding down toward the crossroads of… ‘LIES’ and ‘SELF-DEVASTATION,’ pray that His shield will not allow negativism to penetrate your thoughts and for sure your belief system! Ask God to guide you in building a strong life in the neighborhood where the street corner is named, ‘LIFE TO IT’S FULLEST’ and ‘FULLFILMENT IS IN GOD’?
Also, ask God to help you “STAY” in His presence as you STAY in His Word and STAY in prayer. Ask Him to surround you with other strong Christians to help you walk this journey of life. Last but surely not least, ask God to give you a burning desire to STAY in a church, and possibly a Bible Study group, where you can hear His Word spoken over you.

The Message Is
  • Eve carried the better of three traits… beauty, strength and exuberance from the inside out. She wasn’t a whiner or lazy – she got things done! She was one who took on whatever was before her with robust courage.
  • Eve walked in ‘confidence’ because she leaned on God for everything, and she had the ‘posture’ of God as her strength. An example we all would benefit from if we did the same!
  • When we say and believe lies like…“I’m not worth anything!”  “I’m a nobody!” “No one believes in me. I don’t even believe in myself!”  “I have nothing to live for, because I’m not worthy of having anything more” what are these words saying to God?
  • So many of us travel down ambiguous roads of a life carrying small and large old baggage of wretchedness and disbelief that leads us in the wrong direction
  • We choose the road!
  • We must attain!
  • “STAY!”
1st MEMORY STATEMENT FOR THE WEEK… My ‘vision of beauty’ must actually be that… that comes from within me, not what I look like on the outside!
2nd MEMORY STATEMENT FOR THE WEEK… Adam and Eve totally relied on God for EVERYTHING! I shall do the same!
3rd MEMORY STATEMENT FOR THE WEEK… I will strive to walk in ‘confidence’ with the ‘posture’ of God as my strength.
4th MEMORY STATEMENT FOR THE WEEK… I have the choice whether I’m going to stay in the neighborhood of ‘UNCERTAINNESS or move from that neighborhood over to one that is filled with ‘LIFE!’ I choose “LIFE!”
5th MEMORY STATEMENT FOR THE WEEK… I will…“Press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me!”
6st MEMORY STATEMENT FOR THE WEEK… I will ‘STAY’ ‘ATTAINED’ in the right place doing the right things with the right people!
 7th MEMORY STATEMENT FOR THE WEEK… I will remember that “… God will make clear to me.” That when there is ‘light’ on an otherwise dark path, all on that path will be made clear!
Ladies, did you know that when you walk into a room you carry something into that room?? When you walk through a door you take something into that room with you! Do you know what it is??
   So, what is it???
   You’ll have to return next week to find out, when we begin with… POINT FIVE…. “What  do we take  everywhere  we  go??”
   This week focus on taking a long look at the ‘neighborhood’ you are presently living in. (Your spiritual life neighborhood)  Is it ‘UNCERTAINNESS’ or ‘LIFE.’ Do you need to move to a different neighborhood?  
   The choice is yours.
   See you next week when we find out what we take into every room we enter!
“STAY ATTAINED” this week.
c j