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Monday, October 8, 2012

Hello, I’m so happy you have stopped in to the “GOOD NEWS” Bible Study!!

   I love to read and get deep into the study of the Women of the Bible! My strong desire has always been to begin at the beginning with the ‘First Lady’ (Eve) and go totally through to the end of the Bible. 

   I have written, and even given talks, on a few of the Women who have walked before us, and as their story unfolded on the pages of my Bible, they gave me many insights into God desires for our own personal lives!  Not to mention the adventure these Women give us as we walk through their lives!

   So let's be visionaries and imagine walking where these Women (the good and the bad ones) have walked, where they have lived, the trials they’ve endured, and the triumphs they experienced!! 

   You'll realize as we visit the lives of these extraordinary Women that they've walked a lot of the same paths we have. They experienced a lot of the same difficulties, adversities and problems that we face. We’ll also see how God transformed their lives and used them in many different ways for His service—and how He can do the same for us.

   As we walk through these Women's lives we’ll read stories of…
ü ugliness and of beauty
ü heartbreak and healing
ü love and deception
ü devotion and abandonment
ü blessings and heartaches
ü prayers prayed and answered
ü death and of miracles from God, etc., etc.

   We’ll experience their stories touching our hearts and our personal lives! Their lives will give us hope that God can look past our failures and renew us, and use us for His Kingdom growth.

   I sincerely hope you will return each week and walk with us!!  I plan to have new postings posted by noon on the FIRST and THIRD WEDNESDAY of the month.

   We will begin with… The Beauty and Fall of the First Lady! and walk with Ms Evie for several weeks, for she has a lot to tell us!! 

   If you miss a week, not to worry, each week’s study will be placed in the archives so you can go to the dates you missed.

   I would love to hear from you!  You can write your answers or your comments by clicking on “COMMENTS” below each posting. Feel free to sign your name if you’d like, I would love to get to know you!

Have a very blessed week with our Lord and Savior!



1 comment:

  1. Oh, CJ...I'm already 3 weeks behind...I kept waiting for an email reminder, but since I only joined but failed to subscribe...DUH! It never came. Jumping in today and tomorrow to get caught up. Looking so forward to this study. God bless you as you prepare and write. FROG...Fully Rely On God!
