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Wednesday, January 30, 2013






NOTE TO YOU THE READER… Although I may give reference to a Scripture, I encourage you in each study to take your Bible and read it for yourself. If a verse speaks to you, feel the freedom to highlight or underline it in your personal Bible, and date it in the margin noting the day God spoke through His Word!
If I give READING ASSIGNMENTS and QUESTIONS, I also encourage you to do them, for that will shine more light on our topic.
Genesis 2:8-9 (NIV)… Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put man he had formed. The LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground – trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food.  In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
   In the Garden of Eden God had placed all the best and prime trees to grow in the rich soil, and buried deep were their roots. This ‘Garden’ was a perfect portrait, showing off God’s extraordinary creation. Throughout the Garden were trees of different heights, shapes and color that would mesmerize the eye of the beholder!  God’s ‘Garden’ (as it’s referred to in some references) was enriched with trees yielding fruit that gave the taste of gratefulness to its partakers…Adam and Eve. 

The Tree of Life signifies ‘LIFE’… To LIVE   
   There, in the middle of the Garden of Eden, stood two trees. (Genesis 2:9) God told Adam and Eve they could eat the fruit from one of these two trees… the Tree of Life. (Genesis 2:16)
   From Matthew Henry’s Commentary… The Tree of Life was chiefly intended to be a sign and seal to Adam, assuring them of the continuance of life and happiness, even to immortality and everlasting bliss, through grace and favor of his Maker, upon condition of his perseverance in this state of innocence and obedience. Of this Man could eat.
   Genesis 2:16…  And the LORD God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden…”
1.    This is telling us that there was some form of fruit on the ‘tree’ for food.
2.    The ‘tree’ was also a symbolic sign and a seal to Adam and Eve assuring them the continuance of life and happiness in this state of innocence and obedience… if they kept His commandment “…but you must not eat from the ‘tree of knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” (Gen 2:17)
3.    This showed that God’s will and intention for them was giving everlasting life as well as food for their physical life, however, it came with a command... disobey, and life as they knew it would (and did) change.
NOTEWORTHY:  The pleasure of living in God’s paradise was contingent upon Adam and Eve ‘keeping’ God’s one and only commandment to them.

Christ is now to us the “Tree & Bread of Life”...
“Tree of Life”… READ…Rev 2:7; John 5:21; John 6:63
The “Bread of Life”… John 6:33,35,48,58.
NOTEWORTHY:  The TREE of LIFE is now Jesus Christ. God sent His Son to earth to die for us that we may have everlasting life. John 3:16 & 10:10
   God loved us, YOU and ME, so much that He sent His Son that we could live forever with Him! Have you accepted Him as your Lord and Savior so that you will continue to have life after you die??
   It is communicated to the believer in 1 Thess. 5:9-10 that our salvation with God through Christ is not interrupted by our physical death, but that we will find our blessed rewards with God in the life to come.
   What do I mean by…the life to come???
   We were created for a PURPOSE, and for that reason, God gives us His PROMISE!
READ 2 Corinthians 5:1-5 to hear what ‘PURPOSE’ God ‘fashioned’ (wording from NIV) us for!
   What was God’s ‘PROMISE’ to us?  READ Revelation 22:14… ‘…that they may have the right to the tree of life and may enter the city (heaven) by the gates.  (the life to come)
(If you read a little further you will read where Jesus calls Himself the…BRIGHT MORNING STAR”… Revelation 22:16b I had to have you read that part too!)
   Admission through the gates of the city in heaven is made available to only those who believe in Jesus and accept Him in their hearts. Jesus says in John 14:6… “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”  Simply put…NO ONE will enter the gates of heaven without first going to Christ for salvation! I sincerely hope as you read this that you know without doubt you will be among the ones walking the streets of gold in heaven!!!
Luke 13:24… “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.” What or Who is the ‘door’? What’s the message in this verse?
ALSO, READ John 1:12 & 10:10; Acts 3:19 & Romans 10:9
·       What are these verses telling us?
·       Have these Words at one time in your life spoken to you?
·       When?
·       Have you taken them to heart and accepted Jesus as your Savior and know without a doubt that the very moment you take your last breath you will enter those gates of heaven and see Jesus face-to-face? If you need to talk to someone about receiving eternal life, contact me personally or seek for someone within the church who will know how to explain this to you.
   Yes, Christ Jesus is now to us the tree and bread of life! READ John 6:35 & 48.  Eternal life and a one-on-one relationship with the Creator of the universe can be a reality for us, now and forever.
   The greatest gift of all that is given to us is our Salvation in Christ Jesus.  Ephesians 2:8… “For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourself; it is God’s gift.” (HCSBible)
READ John 4:10… Answer these questions…
1.    Who was speaking in verse 10?
2.   What is the ‘living water’ that is mentioned?
3.   How does the ‘water’ mentioned in this verse benefit us?
4.   What is the ‘water’ a representation of?
SUMMING IT UP… God’s desire for Adam and Eve was to remain in this state of worship and obedience that He was receiving from them at this time. (Refer back to last week’s study of what we learned in POINT THREE the kind of intimate relationship they had with God)  God’s desire for the first couple was to remain in immortality and to continue in happiness and everlasting bliss.
NOTEWORTHY:   God gave permission before He gave restriction! The wide permission was that Adam and Eve could eat from any tree; while the restriction was a narrow command… “However, do not eat from this tree; the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” 
   This will take us to next week’s study continuing on with PART TWO of  “TWO TREES EDEN” where our focus will be… “What’s Behind Door Number Two?” Number Two Tree!! The most deadly tree of all time!!!
The Message Is…
·       Adam and Eve had access to the fruit from the Tree of Life for their physical life, but it also was a symbol of God’s will and intention of giving everlasting life and happiness in their state of innocence.
·       The pleasure of living in God’s paradise was contingent upon Adam and Eve ‘keeping’ God’s one and only commandment to them.
·       In God’s limitless Grace, He gave permission before He gave restriction!
·       Access to the gates of the city in heaven is made available to only those who believe and accept Jesus in their hearts as it tells us in John 14:6…
·       Christ Jesus is now to us the Tree and Bread of Life! But to all unbelievers, the promise of eternal life will be excluded from entering the gates of heaven.
·       We were created for a PURPOSE, and for that reason, God gives us His PROMISE!
·       The greatest gift of all that is given to us is our Salvation.  John 3:16
1st MEMORY STATEMENT… “I am so thankful that Christ is now to me the Tree and the Bread of Life!  For I know without doubt that when I take my last breath on this earth I will immediately enter the gates of heaven!”
2nd MEMORY STATEMENT … “I was created for a PURPOSE, and for that reason, God has given me His PROMISE!
3rd MEMORY STATEMENT … I do not take it lightly, but instead; with great humbleness I give THANKS, for I have peace in knowing that… The greatest gift of all that was given to me is my Salvation! It is my Gift from God! Thank You, Jesus!!! 

READ…Ps. 36:9; John 1:4; 1 John 1:1-2 & 5:20… Who is the ‘light’ referred to in these verses?
ALSO, READ Ephesians 2
1.    Verse 2: Who are the ‘ruler’ and the ‘spirit’ that Paul is referring to?
2.    Verse 3: “we were by nature objects of wrath.” Explain that statement. (Also see Romans 1:18-20; 2:5)
3.    Verse 4: Describe in your words the meaning of the word mentioned in this verse… ‘GRACE.’
4.    Verse 7: What are His… ‘incomparable riches ?
5.    Verses 8-9: If an unbeliever or a new Christian would to ask you to explain those two verses, in your words how would you explain it to them?
6.    Verse 10: It says… What does Paul mean in the words… ”…which God prepared in advance for us to do.  ?
   May God’s bountiful blessings be upon everyone this week until we come together again next week to continue… “TWO TREES EDEN.”
P.S.   Upon your death on this earth, will you enter the gates of heaven and see Jesus face to face and live eternally with Him in heaven’s paradise? If you can’t answer YES to that question, I urge you to quickly seek God’s gift! It’s as simple as saying this prayer from your heart…
“Father God in heaven, I now realize that I am a sinner and if I died today I would not have a place in heaven with You!  I now truly believe that You sent Jesus as the Tree of Life for me and I am asking You to forgive me of my sins, for I want to receive Your gift of eternal life into my heart. I so desire a life with You as my Lord and Savior while I walk on this earth! It is in Jesus’ name that I ask for this gift. Amen.”
   If you prayed this prayer today from your heart, WELCOME to the KINGDOM of GOD as now you are a CHILD of THE KING!!! I rejoice over your decision and do so want to hear from you!!!
   Or if you still have questions, please feel free to contact me by leaving a comment below or you can contact me personally by the email…

In the middle of our hearts is where we will find our


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