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Wednesday, October 17, 2012



I know there's so much more that I could write about each subject below, but in view of trying to keep it short I just wrote what I felt were the main focuses. If anyone would like to add anything, feel free to do so by clicking in ‘COMMENTS’ and I’ll be happy to discuss further.

Sequence ONE… “THE BEAUTY & FALL of Ms. EVIE”
PART ONE Continued… The Beginning of Beginning  “Creation

Genesis 1… The Account of the Beginning of All Life.

Image” – Greek 1504 – eikon, (i-kone) – a likeness 

OUR FOCUS TEXT….Gen. 1:26 (NIV) On the Sixth day…  ‘Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
   The above 10 underlined words are one of the greatest and most powerful statements made by God! Have you ever thought about that??
   Of course we cannot be as God in a physical way or as perfect as He in our behaviors because we are of a sinful nature. The apostle Paul speaks of our ‘sinful nature’ many times throughout Romans, chapters 7-13. I encourage you to read those chapters this week. 
   However, given to the fact that we know the phenomena of God’s character before us, we are designed to follow in His likeness in our character, our morals, our mental thoughts, our actions and reactions. (Reactions to certain things have always been my greatest shortcoming! I warn you, I will be transparent with most things as I share with you my life in these studies! LOL)
   Man is not deity (a divine being) but we are to live and reflect the divine nature of our Heavenly Father within our walk here on this earth.

   Referring to what I said last week… The animals were also made of flesh and bone but three of the greatest differences between Man and animals are… God gave Man a soul, a voice for speech, and means to communicate with Him.
This Week’s POINTS to MAKE

  There are many, many verses in the Bible that the wording is… ‘in heart and soul.’ Meaning… ‘the seat of ones emotions’ the ‘center of human personality.’ (Nelson’s Bible Dictionary)
   In Greek the word soul is translated as ‘life.’ Therefore, the usage of the word ‘soul’ refers to ‘life’ in the physical body.
   Soul can function as a synonym for spirit, mind, consciousness or self (Wikipedia Dictionary)    
   What is the function of a soul? Our soul basically reflects the total person! Our soul is that which controls our conscience (the inner sense of what is right from wrong- Bing Dictionary), our thoughts, our actions, and our convictions... all that makes up our character!
    What is Character??  Abraham Lincoln once said… “Reputation is the shadow. Character is the tree!”  Our character is not just what we display before others; it is the real person we are when no one is watching.  Good character is doing the right thing because it is in God’s image to do the right thing!! It’s the multifaceted of mental and ethical traits marking who a person truly is.  
POINT TWO…  1 Thessalonians 4:6-7 & 2 Corinthians 3:18
A… Within Our Soul We Are… CREATED WITH RESPONSIBILITY… Galatians 5:22-23
   We should live out in our character as that of the “Fruits of the Spirit!” Galatians 5:22-23… the spirit of LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS and SELF CONTROL.                 
Oooops, I’ll be the first to admit, I’ve fallen short of all of these areas many times, especially in the PATIENCE and SELF CONTROL (my mouth) department!!! Just ask my husband, David!! LOL
   To walk in the ‘likeness’ of the ways of God means what? ‘Image/likeness’ includes such characteristics as ‘righteousness’ and ‘holiness.’ Every person has the responsibility to be honorable, giving of love, be forgiving, be merciful and respectful. There is no place in God’s image for dishonesty, hurtfulness, malicious, murderers, nor thieves, or hatemongers, etc. 

Can you think of more examples of RESPONSIBILITIES in order to WALK IN HIS LIKENESS?

   Upon being created with a soul, we have responsibilities to uphold, this also distinguishes us from the animals.  Even though we were created on the same day as the animals and share God’s creation of nature with all breathing creatures, we are reminded that all human beings are the only creation that ultimately answers to God.
   In what ways, you ask? One example: An animal can go out and kill another animal and the animal kingdom does not accuse or hold the killing animal accountable for that killing. Whereas, if Man kills another human-being he will be held responsible, not only to the courts of the land but before God on judgment day.
   We, as the human race, are all held accountable to God for ALL our actions. An animal may steal another animal’s kill and never be held accountable for the act, whereas, if we as humans steal from another we have consequences to pay sooner or later. Read Romans 3:19-20
   It may be as simple as choosing to help a person in trouble or choosing to ignore. Read Ecc. 4:10 & Exodus 23:5.
   We are held accountable for all areas of our lives from... cruel words spoken to others, up to how we take care of our finances. We all are accountable of how we live out our lives on this earth, all of which we will fall short of being as Jesus would be, but isn’t it great we know we can go to God for forgiveness?
Can you add more examples on both sides?
   Again, unlike the animals, God gave us a voice to which to spread His Word. To communicate with one another and with Him, which takes us to….
   We are created with the potential to relate to God in a personal relationship, to have communication with Him one-on-one. God desires His creation of Man to give voice to Him…in prayer, in worship of song and praise, and in reading of His Word. God can communicate with us in so many different ways if we are willing to listen, and through these studies we’ll become aware of the different ways God speaks to us!
POINT FIVE… RULE OVER… Genesis 1: 26… let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
   Since humans were created in the image of the divine King, delegated sovereign (kingship) was bestowed on him. (NIV Bible commentary on vs. 26) 
In your words, explain the above translation.
   Another responsibility we as humans have is…to take care of the earth, its habitation, and its vegetation. No I’m not a ‘no hunting of wild animals’ or a ‘tree hugger’ type of person, but I feel it is our responsibility to see over God’s creation and not unmercifully destroy it.  Our responsibility means for us to make the world a better place, starting in our own lives and the lives of our families.
What are your thoughts?
   Animals live by instinct to survive of which God created each species to have, but they are still limited, but man is made for better things. Animals cannot change their environment, but Man has the ability to change almost anything for better (or for worse unfortunately).
How have humans changed the environment? To the GOOD and the BAD??
   Only humans were given the dominion over all other living creatures and living land (that which grows upon the land). Noting… Mankind is a special creature different from the rest of all creation.  

The Message Is                
  • Being created in His image is the rarest of all privileges us humans could ever be given.
  • Our focus should be to align ourselves with God’s intimate ways. 
  • We should always hold our image, our character, to the highest honor because we are of God’s image bearers to others.  
  • Love what God loves.
  • Imitate His heart in our ways.
  • Communicate with Him.
  • Join with Him in His work
  • And, The Message Is… A simple list of attributes barely scratches the surface of all it means to bear our Creator and Holy Father’s image!!  We as mortals cannot live above sin because we are NOT perfect as God, but here again, isn’t it reassuring that we can be forgiven for our transgressions by God’s amazing Grace?   ***We are only asked to do our BEST, but, the question we should ask ourselves is… ‘What’s the highest LEVEL of what I want my BEST to be?
1st MEMORY STATEMENT FOR THE WEEK… “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, … is one of the greatest and most powerful statements made in the Word of God!
2nd MEMORY STATEMENT FOR THE WEEK… “Reputation is the shadow. Character is the tree!”  Our character is not just what we display before others; it is the real person we are when no one is watching.  Good character is doing the right thing because it is in God’s image to do the right thing!! It’s the complex of mental and ethical traits marking who a person truly is.  
3rd MEMORY STATEMENT FOR THE WEEK… The question I need to ask myself is… ‘What LEVEL do I want my BEST to be?
Our CHALLENGE for this week is to take notice of …
  1. What ‘created us in His image means in regards to my own personal life? 
  2. What does my character say to others? 
  3. Do I practice the old question?… What Would Jesus Do??
  4. What areas of my life do I need to focus on in order to bring up the level in living closer to the characteristic image(s) of God?
   Until we meet again next week, I encourage you to ask those you know the question… “What does it mean to you to be created in God’s image?”  and just see what others believe it means. I’m positive you’ll be amazed at the different answers! I would love to read what you hear! By clicking on “COMMENTS” below, share with us what you think it means and what others have to say on the topic!    
   COMING UP… In a couple of weeks when we meet up with Ms Evie, and we’ll be discovering as Women of God WHERE we fit into the sphere of existence, WHY we were created. And HOW we seek and pursue His will for each of our individual lives.
   See you next week here at the “GOOD NEWS” CafĂ© when our topic will be…. 'WE ARE the LIFE of HIS BREATH!'
Yo, Dusty Man, You Created from Dust???”
  • Our ‘Soul’...  Ps. 63:1 & 86:4; Lam. 3:20-27; Luke 1:46; 3 John 2.     
  • Sinful nature…Romans, Chapters 7-13
  • ‘Communicating with God’…2 Chronicles 7:14 & Ps 139:13-18
Have a ‘in His image’ week!!