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Wednesday, January 23, 2013





OUR FOCUS TEXT…Genesis 2:8-9 (NIV)… Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put man he had formed. The LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground – trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. Verses 15-17… The LORD God took man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.


Eden means a pleasant place. The Hebrew word was paradeisos, which translates to…Paradise

The LORD God took man and put him in the Garden of Eden
to work it and take care of it.

   The job of both Adam and Eve was to take care of the Garden; to harvest its yielding for their food. God planted the garden eastward, an extensive park, a paradise, in which they were placed to be trained under the paternal care of their Maker for two things… piety and usefulness. We’ll get to the lesson on piety further in this study.

Mathew Henry describes…The Garden of Eden, though it needed not to be weeded (for thorns and thistles were not yet a nuisance), yet must be dressed and kept. There is a true pleasure in the business which God calls us to, and employs us in. Adams work was so far from being an allay that it was an addition to the pleasures of paradise; he could not have been happy if he had been idle: it is still a law, He that will not work has no right to eat, 2 Th. 3:10; Prov. 27:23.
   This taught the first couple responsibility from the beginning. Paradise itself was not a place of exemption from getting out of work, although little was probably needed.

NOTEWORTHY: None of us are brought into this world to be idle. Ecc. 10:18… ‘Through laziness, the rafters sag; because of idle hands, the house leaks.’  God created our bodies with a mind, hands and feet, therefore, giving us means of something to work with; and He that gave us this earth for our habitation, therefore, gives us something to work upon.
Do you see a re-occurring ‘word’ throughout these eight weeks, and we’re still walking with Eve? The word RESPONSIBILITY keeps resurfacing, doesn’t it? I think we’ll continue to see that word from now on throughout our studies. Do you think God has a message to ALL of us with this one word? Christians and non-Christians alike!
Very quickly, off the top of your head, give at least five responsibilities you know you have as one of God’s creations.


   The place created especially for Adam and Eve’s residence was a garden… The Garden of Eden. It’s quite apparent that God wanted Adam and Eve’s lives to be one of serenity and happiness; after all, He had placed Adam and then brought Eve to Adam to the most beautiful place on earth. The Garden of Eden, which signifies delight and pleasure, was a paradise like we cannot even fathom. It was not a field of uncontrollable weeds; instead it was a manicured garden you would only hope to find on the grounds of great kings and queens palaces. Every tree and plant was of natural beauty that was not only pleasant to the eye but the richness provided a variety of produce for food.
    The place appointed for Adam and Eve to live was not an ivory palace that was overlaid with gold, exotic woods or an architectural grandeur made of stone and wood to gaze upon with unbelief of how the structure was made by man. It didn’t display priceless art on its walls or furnished with valuable antiques.
   What it was…was a garden. Adam and Eve’s home was a ‘garden!’ But not like any other garden!! What it was to the eye was an indescribable garden of nature’s beauty designed by the Almighty Artist…our  God in heaven, therefore, the greatest of all visionaries cannot even vision all the beauty this man and wife got to experience!
   Throughout the Garden flowed fresh clean refreshing rivers and streams providing the first couple water that gave nutritional balance with the food in their bodies.
   The heavens were its roof, out stretched above this land of paradise. The sun, moon and stars were their lighting. The earth was laid for the flooring with special features that demanded superiority. Never has any floor been so richly inlaid since. The grass was the first couple’s furniture. The shadow of the trees was their retreat. They lived in and out in the openness of the Garden.

   This Garden was a place of peace, tranquility and delight, with all respect acclaiming tribute to its Creator. Its grandeur was endowed with beauty and elegance by way of excellence. Solomon’s palaces, in all their glory, could not touch the likes of the Garden of Eden. I truly believe where God placed Adam and Eve to begin their lives is the perfect picture of what heaven is going to look like and more, like…streets of gold and gates made of pearls!! (Read Rev. 21)  Do you agree?
   It was in Eden, which signifies delight and pleasure, a heavenly paradise. Everything man needed was provided for the senses in this garden of paradise, which was….
·       Water, food, warmth, and shelter
·       Beauty that engaged all given senses
·       Shapes and colors for the eye to enjoy
·       Fragrance for the nose
·       Thousands of textures for the hands to examine
·       Music to the ear from the birds and rushing rivers
·       Endless tastes for the tongue to taste...except from one certain tree
If you didn’t pick up in the above list all four of the senses here they are…
1)    TASTE...example... To a chef there would be taste buds to tantalize with endless flavors of fruit
2)    SMELL…ex…To a florist would come the beauty of arrangements with sweet heavenly aromas
3)    SOUND…ex… The music lover would be captured by the music of rushing streams and birds singing to fill their ears
4)    SIGHT…ex… To an artist it would be a dream come true to fill a canvas of endless color to rest the eye upon
   And, from a decorator’s point of view, Eden had…
·       Texture
·       Color
·       Fiber
·       Atmosphere
·       Symmetry
   It was perfectly balanced from one room to the next. What a dream that would have been, to walk into Adam and Eve’s residence and not immediately see things I would change, BECAUSE IT WAS PERFECT just the way GOD created it!  Not wanting to repaint, remodel, rearrange, throw away or add to. David tells me that he wish he could see that, because it would be the first time I would have been satisfied with the way things were in a house. LOL!
God, as our tender Father, puts us into an ‘Eden of Plenty and Pleasure’ does He not??  Look around you at this very moment….what do you see?? A roof over your head? A plate before you at mealtime that’s spread with plenty of food? Is there not threads sewed together that covers your body in a trendy fashion? Do you not have at least one vehicle in your driveway to get you where you need to go? Is there a bed from which you climb out of every morning? Need I go on??? 

A CJisum…. All the material things that we have may not be the appearance likeness to a portfolio of a wealthy person, but all that we have is a provision from our Father who takes care of all our needs; AND a lot of our wants and desires! God delights in the prosperity He provides for His beloved children!
Another responsibility for us should be… to serve God with joyfulness, gladness and thankfulness in our hearts for the abundance of the good things He gives us. At this very moment, take time to give thanks to God, your Provider, for all the provisions and all the extra blessings that surround your life.
   This POINT is the topmost important POINT in this Chapter!
Intimacy…a close, familiar, affectionate, loving personal relationship with another person (online Dictionary)
   In this ‘Garden,’ Adam and Eve had no worries, no fears, no problems, no pain, and no reservations about anything. It was a time they lived in total bliss and harmony! It was their heaven on earth!!  In the Garden was where they commence their own spiritual development within God. The three (God, Adam and Eve) had a close, familiar, affectionate, loving personal relationship with one another as they walked together through the Garden of Paradise.
   The garden of the Lord as it is referred to in other parts of the Bible (Genesis 13:10, Ezekiel 28:13) indicates, it was in fact an open-air temple in which Adam and Eve worshipped God with communication of thanksgiving and praise.
   The situation in this garden was extremely sweet. At all hours of the day and night Adam and Eve talked personally with God one-on-one as if there were three bodies in the Garden. The two gave attention and honor to the presence of the Supreme God who walked among them. Their relationship was one of no boundaries, with the exception of one command God gave them… Genesis 2:15-17… And the LORD God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”  (We will be covering this topic in the next two weeks)
Can or do we have that kind of relationship with God? I truly believe that what Adam and Eve experienced at the beginning, before the knowledge of sin, is what we will only experience once we walk through the gates of heaven upon leaving this earth, when we see God face to face!!  Is this a new concept to you? It was to me when God laid it in my heart! What are your thoughts?
   YES, we can have a close relationship with God as we walk upon this earth, we can live a life of piety, however, because of sin within our lives and in the world around us we cannot experience what Adam and Eve experience at THE BEGINNING of TIME, before sin entered into their lives. (The HCS Bible refers to this time as… the ‘pre-sin’ state of time)
   Our fellowship with God can be very powerful, it can be very close, it can be totally open, and can be explained as heavenly without even knowing what we truly will experience once we see God in heaven.
   We cannot explain or put into words what we’ve not yet experienced! In the Beginning of Time, before sin, the experience that Adam and Eve once had will only come to us when we enter the gates of heaven and see God face-to-face. God is reserving that relationship until then!!
   ??? Is that not something to truly look forward to experiencing??? WOW!!!! 
A CJisum…. If we have accepted Christ in our hearts we have reached the first step toward experiencing our place in that heavenly paradise! Now we need not distress ourselves with a search for such a place of an earthly paradise.
If you’re reading this and you’re not sure you will ever experience that kind of fellowship with God face to face you’ve just read about, I encourage you to send me a personal email and let’s visit. My email address is on this blog.
   NOTEWORTHY: THE BEGINNING of TIME… Adam and Eve lived their lives without knowledge of the meaning of sin, because they had no sin in their lives as of yet. The fellowship between the three was blissful and pure up to the day that evil and sin entered into their lives, and then all things changed for them. Did God walk away? Did He pull away from them once they sinned?
This will take us into the next two week’s study on how sin entered into Adam and Eve’s life and how sin broke the kind of intimacy they once had with God.
??? Will God totally abandon them?  
??? Did God overlook their sin?
??? How did sin affect their lives?
??? How does sin affect our lives?   
??? Can we still have intimacy with God even after we sin?
??? Does God still hear us when we call upon Him?
??? Does He still answer our prayers?
   All these questions and more will be answered in the next two weeks.  We will see how Adam and Eve’s lives changed once they allowed sin to enter. A much different fellowship with God came to be for them!
The Message Is
·       None of us are brought into this world to be idle.
·       The Garden of Eden signifies delight and pleasure, it was a paradise like we cannot even fathom.
·       The ‘Garden’ was a natural beauty designed by the Almighty Artist…our God in heaven. The greatest of all visionaries cannot even vision all its beauty!
·       Where God placed Adam and Eve to begin their lives on this earth is the perfect picture of what heaven is going to look like and more!!
·       Everything man needed was provided for the senses in this garden of paradise.
·       The three (God, Adam and Eve) had a close, familiar, affectionate, loving personal relationship with one another as they walked together through the Garden of Paradise.
·       Our fellowship with God on this earth can be very powerful, it can be very close, and can be explained as heavenly without even knowing what we truly will experience once we see God in heaven.
·       In the Beginning of Time, before sin, the experience that Adam and Eve once had will only come to us when we enter the gates of heaven!!!
[From this point on in our studies, I will be wording the MEMORY STATEMENTS as words in a prayer you can pray or as words you speak as first person]
1st MEMORY STATEMENT… God, I know You created my body with a mind, hands and feet, giving me means for something to work with; and You have blessed me on this earth a place of habitation, therefore, giving me something to work on. Help me to not sit in an idle stage of mind and heart but to stand up and serve You in ways Your Word teaches!”
2nd MEMORY STATEMENT… My God can take me to a place of peace, tranquility and delight, so therefore, I will give all respect and acclaiming tribute to my Creator.
3rd MEMORY STATEMENT… I may not have the wealth of a millionaire, but all that I have is a provision from my Father who takes care of all my needs; AND a lot of my wants and desires.
4th MEMORY STATEMENT… I so desire to have a close, familiar, affectionate, loving personal relationship with God as I walk through this life here on earth!
5th MEMORY STATEMENT… “Father God, I am so looking forward to experiencing what Adam and Eve once had and more when I enter the gates of heaven!!!”
Your READING ASSIGNMENT this week: Revelation 22
ALSO...Write a list from these verses of…
·       all the ‘Names of God’ that are spoken
·       all the promises that God has promised  
·       which ones crosses over into both
COMING UP…  Next week we will go into - CHAPTER NINE… “TWO TREES EDEN”
My prayer for you this week is… You will seek to have that close, familiar, affectionate, loving personal relationship with God in your ‘daily’ walk

Find a few minutes each day to escape by yourself to find your ‘garden time’ with God and see what a difference it will make in your life!

Blessings to you...