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Wednesday, October 24, 2012




Sequence ONE… “THE BEAUTY & FALL of Ms. EVIE”
PART ONE Continued… The Beginning of Beginning  “Creation

Genesis 2… The Account of the Beginning of the Life of Man:
OUR FOCUS TEXT…Genesis 2:7 (NIV)… the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

The Hebrew for “Man” (adam) is related to the Hebrews for “ground” (adamah)
 (LOL) From the Funny Side of My Comic Brain: 
“Yo, Dusty Man!! You Came from the Dust of West Texas???”
God must have created the lands of the West Texas Panhandle just before He formed man! What do I mean by that, you ask?  Because, it reads in Genesis 2:7 that… ‘Adam was formed from the dust of the ground.’
Where else would He find enough dust to make a man? He could create another human body from the dust hidden around in my house! LOL!
Also, here’s another clue God was still in West Texas while creating Man. Look in Gen 2:4-5 and you’ll see what I mean. ‘… and no shrub of the field had yet appeared on the earth and no plant of the field had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth.’  Yep, it’s pretty clear, He was somewhere in the West Texas area alright!

But then it goes on to say in Verse 6… ‘But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.’ (KJV) So you see, God always provides what is to be needed!                                     

This Week’s POINTS to MAKE

Let’s go back and read Verse 6… ‘But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.’                   
If you’ve ever watched a potter form a vessel on his potter wheel, he is constantly adding slashes of water to the clay in order to bring forth his/her master piece, which denotes a gradual process in his work of great accuracy and exactness! Do you see what this is saying? Combining mist to the dust becomes clay. God added moisture to the dust in order to work the clay into a form.
Could this possibly be the reason our bodies contains water??
From Wikipedia: A significant fraction of the human body is water. Arthus Guyton's Textbook of Medical Physiology states that "the total amount of water in a body averages 57 percent of his total body weight. In a newborn infant, this may be as high as 75 percent of the body weight, but it progressively decreases from birth to old age, most of the decrease occurring during the first 10 years of life.
The Fact Is… The mist + the dust = clay, of which He formed into a living body. From beginning of time – up to our lives now - everything God does conveys His plan for Man!


Formed… visible shape of a body; a mold or frame for shaping; to begin to exist (Doubleday Dictionary)
A potter is one who fashions the vessels from clay, and the word formed is commonly referred to as the working of the potter’s hands.
Although Man was made in God’s image, Man did not begin life as a “heavenly creature” but instead made from the dust of the land! A very unlikely element to make a body from, wouldn’t you say?  Maybe that’s why I have such dry skin. LOL
However, the same Infinite Power that made the world from nothing had the same power to form a body from dust and breathed the breath of life into the body to create a living being! The Scriptures does not say man evolved, it says God formed Man with His hands, just as the potter forms clay into a vessel upon a wheel.
Seriously, can you wrap your mind around that? Man made from dust!  Can you picture God on the ground on His knees scooping up the moist dust into His hands and manually shaping a physical form?
This picture of God doing this very act, as the Master Craftsman, is so awesome that our minute brains cannot even fathom what all went on at that moment in the beginning of time! And to think that Man was God’s Master-piece of all creation from the mere dust of the land!!
Ps. 139:14… we are fearfully and wonderfully made…
Max Lucado writes… ‘God demonstrated His love and power by creating. With only a spoken word, God created all living things. Then, with loving care, He formed Adam out of the ground. With one decision, history began. Existence became measurable.’  
Our fabric is earthly and is fashioned like that of an earthly vessel by the Master Potter. Jeremiah 18:6… “…can I not do with you as this potter does?” Declares the Lord. “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in My hand.”
The Master Potter… Isaiah 64:8… “Yet, O Lord, You are our Father. We are the clay, You are the Potter; we are all the work of Your hands.”
In the verse above, how many times do you read the mention of God? ___
How many times do you read the reference of mankind? ___
By looking at that verse it shows us once again that our Master Potter is mightier than we are!

Notice how life resulted in God’s masterpiece only after God infused the formed body with His own breath.  The body was a lifeless shell until God brought it alive with His breath of life. The breathing into Man’s nostrils the breath of life was only done to Man, therefore, making humans distinct from all other creatures.
When God removes His life-giving breath, our bodies once again returns to dust.  Genesis 3:19…“…since from the ground you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return in the grave.”
Have you ever thought about it… that “We Are the Life of God’s Breath”??

Man was formed from the dust of the land, AND the Divine’s-Life-Breath! Our Lord God is the Great Foundation and Power of our being. For that reason, we should bring honor to our Maker, the Master Potter, just as a beautiful formed masterpiece vessel brings honor to the name of a great potter.
Some narrator’s way of describing the infusion of breath brought forth the human spirit, which are all the things we talked about last week on ‘Created In His Image’… Knowing right from wrong (our morals), intelligence, (our capability of understanding and giving voice), relational (capable of love, caring and experiencing emotions), and our spiritual capacities!
How should we GIVE GOD the HONOR in the notations mentioned above explaining our human spirit 
Our life and worth comes from God’s Spirit – His breath of life. Our worth comes not from our own achievements but from the God of the universe, who has chosen to give us the mysterious and miraculous GIFT of LIFE. We should value our life as God values us!’ (Life Application Bible Commentary - emphases are mine)
Think of it this way…each time we breathe we take in the breath of God!!!
So should our breath each day exhale honor to Him as a life that follows after Him, and lives for Him, since our breath is from Him?

The Message Is
  • The mist + the dust = clay, of which He formed into a living body.
  • Our fabric is earthly and is fashioned like that of an earthly vessel by the Master Potter.
  • We are the life of God’s breath.
  • We were made to bring honor to our Maker, the Master Potter!
Are you beginning to see how GOD’s PLAN for us began forming at the creation of Adam?

1st MEMORY STATEMENT FOR THE WEEK… Everything God does brings to life His plan for ME!
2nd MEMORY STATEMENT FOR THE WEEK… My Master Potter is mightier than I am!
3rd MEMORY STATEMENT FOR THE WEEK… Each time I take in a breath I take in the breath of God!!!
4th MEMORY STATEMENT FOR THE WEEK… Since my breath is from Him, with each breath I exhale I will bring honor to Him as a life that follows in His footsteps, and lives for Him!!!
Our CHALLENGE for this week is to take notice of … ALL the wonders God created within us!
READING ASSIGNMENT:  READ:  Job 4:19 & 10:9  &  Ps. 139:15-16

Have a great “Life of God’s Breath” week until we meet again next Wednesday!!

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