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Wednesday, March 13, 2013







The Account of the Beginning of All Life:
·       In the Beginning…Before Everything & Anyone (Genesis 1)
·       In the Beginning God...One Divine Power (Genesis 1)
·       In the Beginning God created Heaven and Earth…Purposely Planned (Genesis 1)
·       In the Beginning God created Man… To Multiply his own kind (Genesis 1-2)
·       In the Beginning God created Man… for the Purpose of Fellowship with Man (Genesis 2)
What Was the Message?? 
·       “And God said…” God SPOKE and it HAPPENED! (READ Ps. 33:6-9)

·       “Let there be…”  God is in CONTROL!  (READ John 1:1-4)

·       And it was so…”  God is the God of POWER, WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING!  (READ Jeremiah 10:12)

·       “And God saw that it was good…”  God is in LOVE with His Creations! (READ Ps. 145:17)

·       “God breathed life into Man’s nostrils the breath of life…” God is LIFE! (READ Isaiah 25:1)

   Our God had a plan from the beginning of time for everything and for each of us! We were created for a reason… READ Jer. 29:11
Also READ Colossians 1:17…Who holds us together??

   Eve was created to walk beside Adam as a helpmate in the Garden. (refer back to Chapter Five, WEEK FIVE in our study) She and Adam were to fulfill God’s purpose for mankind. Adam could not have done all that had to take place on his own. She was created to fill a unique and special role in the history of time. But, we also know Eve was the one who caused the change in humanity’s life course that all who came after her would live under.
 LOL>>>From the Funny Side of My Comic Brain:                                                
I have often said, once I get to heaven one of the first people I want to sit down and have a long conversation with is Ms Evie!!  I have soooo many questions on my list to ask and discuss with her!  My first question will probably be… “Girl, what in the world was you thinking???!!! Did that ‘apple’ look all that good that you were willing to take the risk of losing so much? I hope you know by now that, that apple deal just peels us to the core!!!” LOL!
   Seriously, if you could have a one-on-one conversation with Ms Evie would you ask her about…
·       the Garden of Eden
·       what was the best thing she liked about the Garden
·       what it was like walking in close fellowship with God in the Garden
·       the ‘serpent’ and how that all came about  
·       how she felt to be tempted
·       what were her emotions really like moments afterwards when she realized she had sinned?

These are some of the questions I'd actually like to ask the 'First Lady.'
Do you think Eve felt the way we feel after we knowingly disobey God? After we have fallen into temptation and sinned?
   Although Eve is the mother of us all, we know very little about the “First Lady.” However, we all know the story and it didn’t have a pleasant ending, did it? As we begin Part Three, and the last of, ‘The Beauty & Fall of Ms Evie’, you will probably see some things in Eve that brings about resemblance of yourself. I know I did! God is bringing to my attention some things (sins) in my life as I type out His messages on these pages.
ON A PERSONAL NOTE: {Ever since I began writing Bible studies some ten years ago now, the message God gives has always been for me first. These messages are meant to filter through my life before anyone ever reads any of the words given to me! Insomuch as, He sees this as a way to work on me first! And sometimes, it’s rather hard for me to write words for you to read when all the time God is using those same words to speak into my life!!}
   As we continue on with this last part of Ms Evie’s life we’ll see a very human portrait of…
·       greediness - desiring more
·       weakness
·       temptation
·       falling for lies
·       shame
·       running from God
·       trying to hide sin
·       blaming someone else instead of taking responsibility
·       death of spiritual lives 
   We’ll see the process of…
·       picking up the pieces of a life and trying to put it back together
·       living with the consequences of choices
·       love of births
·       jealousness that lead to a death of a physical life.
Does any that are mentioned in the above portrait paint a picture of you? Ouch!
   Down through the ages Eve has been label as being greedy and controlling, and she has been branded with the blame… “Because of giving into temptation, it is all Eve’s fault for our suffering!”  Is this a true statement??
NOTEWORTHY:  There was something very special Adam and Eve had with God before ‘the fall’ that was broken once sin entered; a bond that would not have been broken otherwise. Nevertheless, did God totally walk away from them? Does He walk away from us when we have sinned and fallen short of His plan for us?
   After this next segment of the study of Eve, I hope you’ll be able to see your own life through a renewed light!
   Next week we’ll begin in Genesis 3:1 with Chapter 14, titled… “THAT CRAFTY LITTLE DEVIL!”  I promise, you don’t want to miss these last few Chapters!
   Open your heart this week and ask God to speak to you. Allow Him to prepare your heart for what He has for you in these last few weeks on the study of Eve.

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